Oral & Poster Presentation Instructions

Oral Presentation Instructions

Oral presentation PowerPoint slides are strictly limited to 8-10 in number, mentioning Introduction, Literature Review, Materials/Methods/Methodology, Results, Conclusions, and References, written in a precise and well-presented way.
Authors must email PowerPoint presentation slides at isert2024@gmail.com (Email Subject: PPT Slides for Reference ID: ISERT_2024_XXX) or WhatsApp on +919056577596 in advance, well before the conference day.
Oral presentation timing is strictly limited to 10-12 minutes, including a question-answer session for each author.

Poster Presentation Instructions

The poster should be presented in digital form only as PowerPoint presentation slides (PPT)/Images/PDFs.
The author must not prepare the poster in hardcopy.
The poster presenter has to present the poster at the specified time mentioned in the program schedule.

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